Hero Principal Dies after Tragic School Shooting, Congress Leaders Agree on $1.6tn Stopgap Bill, Immigration in Focus, and more..

Image: Carolyn Kaster/AP

In this episode:

(00:11): Tragedy strikes Perry High School: Examining the aftermath and gun control debate

(00:50): Congressional Leaders Reach Agreement on Stopgap Spending Bill to Avert Government Shutdown

(02:00): The Complex Relationship: Immigration's Impact on Politics and the Economy

(03:05): Winter Weather Woes in Texas: Advisories, Power Outages, and Community Support

(03:43): The Enduring Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.: Inspiring Change and Fighting Injustice

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Hero Principal Dies after Tragic School Shooting, Congress Leaders Agree on $1.6tn Stopgap Bill, Immigration in Focus, and more..
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